A day at Fernando’s farm

By D’ayn Sayre


A day at Fernando’s farm, Finca Marta, is one I will never forget. Pulling up, we were swallowed by lush, green land. The healthy land you see in this picture however, was a barren, infertile dustbowl just seven years ago.Fernando knew the land had …

A day at Fernando’s farm, Finca Marta, is one I will never forget. Pulling up, we were swallowed by lush, green land. The healthy land you see in this picture however, was a barren, infertile dustbowl just seven years ago.

Fernando knew the land had potential, but the earth was dry, the top soil baking in the sun and blowing away. He needed a well to nourish the parched soil.

Fernando contracted the help of local 78 year old well-digger Juan Machado, and they immediately got to work. This jump to the shovel, and quick dig halted at just 10 feet. They hit bed rock and would chip away slivers of rock every single day for m…

Fernando contracted the help of local 78 year old well-digger Juan Machado, and they immediately got to work. This jump to the shovel, and quick dig halted at just 10 feet. They hit bed rock and would chip away slivers of rock every single day for months straight. Fernando wanted to give up but Juan wouldn’t let him, promising, “There is water here. There is water here.” On October 14th, 2014, seven months into chipping, they finally hit water.

After seven months of back-breaking labor Fernando not only had the opportunity to replenish the land, but to use the rejuvenated for large-scale renewable farming.

After seven months of back-breaking labor Fernando not only had the opportunity to replenish the land, but to use the rejuvenated for large-scale renewable farming.

Fernando’s farm now supplies 30 restaurants in Havana with greens.

Fernando’s farm now supplies 30 restaurants in Havana with greens.

After an adventurous day of checking out all Finca Marta generates, we sat down for lunch and ate non-GMO, fresh, organic greens. Never have I, or will I again eat a salad so incredible. My tastebuds solemnly water as I reminisce on an experience th…

After an adventurous day of checking out all Finca Marta generates, we sat down for lunch and ate non-GMO, fresh, organic greens. Never have I, or will I again eat a salad so incredible. My tastebuds solemnly water as I reminisce on an experience that taught me how hard work reaps the sweetest crop.